Excelling with Autism Obtaining Critical Mass Using Deliberate Practice by Brenda Smith Myles, Ruth Aspy, Kerry Mataya, & Hollis Shaffer (XED Myles 2018) Excelling with Autism: Obtaining Critical Mass Using Deliberate Practice introduces a new way to optimize the progress of learners with ASD. Reaching critical mass helps learners apply information in new ways spontaneous […]
Category: Education
The education system can be difficult for children with ASD to navigate and challenging for parents to advocate within. We have many books focused on education.
Attainment’s Social Standards at School
Attainment’s Social Standards at School by Judi & Tom Kinney (XSS Kinne 2005) This book focuses on 53 social skills, that take place during a typical school day. Each skill provides teacher guidelines and a student self-monitoring page. Reproducible book spiralbound, with printable PDFs. If available, item can be checked out from resource room at […]
Bully Proofing Your School
Bully Proofing Your School by Marla Bonds, Psy.D. and Sally Stoker, M.S.W. (XED Bonds 2000) This book will help you and your staff create an environment where students feel safe and secure. If available, item can be checked out from resource room at no cost.
Improving Social Behaviors in the Classroom
Improving Social Behaviors in the Classroom by Stephanny Freeman, Ph.D.; Gazi Begum, M.A.; Kristen Hayashida, M.ED.; Tanya Paparella, Ph.D XED Freem 2011 This book provides detailed day-by-day lessons to be incorporated into the regular school day. The intent is to provide teachers with a developmentally appropriate sequence of basic social skills by breaking each skill […]
Complete Learning Disabilities Handbook
Complete Learning Disabilities Handbook by Joan M. Harwell XED Harwe 2001 You’ll find diagnostic tools and remediation techniques for all types of learning disabilities specific interventions for specific problems strategies for building academic skills in all basic content areas and ways to improve motivation, participation, and self-esteem in even the most reluctant learner. If available, […]
Visual Support for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Visual Support for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders by Vera Bernard-Opitz and Anne Haubler (XED Berna 2011) With hundreds of colorful illustrations and step-by-step directions, this book lays the foundation for how to structure teaching environments, as well as offers countless examples of activities for students, ranging from basic skills, to reading and math, to […]
Teach Me With Pictures
Teach Me With Pictures by Simone Griffin, Ruth Harris, and Linda Hodgdon (XED Griff 2013) This book provides fun and practical ideas to help motivate and extend communication and play skills in children with autism with the support of pictures. The book describes how picture scripts can help facilitate play and learning and provides 40 […]
Practical Solutions for Stabilizing Students With Classic Autism to Be Ready to Learn: Getting to Go!
Practical Solutions for Stabilizing Students With Classic Autism to Be Ready to Learn: Getting to Go! by Judy Endow, MSW. (XED Endow 2011) As students become better regulated and more able to communicate effectively, extreme behaviors decrease, sometimes subsiding altogether. While a functional behavior analysis (FBA) is usually the starting place for students with Asperger Syndrome […]
Technology Tools for Students with Autism
Technology Tools for Students with Autism by Katharina Boser Ph.D. (XED Boser 2014) Technology holds great promise for helping students with autism learn, communicate, and function effectively in the modern world. Start leveraging that power today with this forward-thinking book, your in-depth guided tour of technologies that support learners with autism and help them fully […]
Teaching Students with Classic Autism Functional Social Skills: A Program Based on Individualized Comprehensive Assessment & Evidence Based Practices
Teaching Students with Classic Autism Functional Social Skills: A Program Based on Individualized Comprehensive Assessment & Evidence Based Practices by Susan J. Sheridan. (XED Sheri 2013) This highly practical book guides teachers and other practitioners in developing and implementing comprehensive social skills programs for individuals with classic autism. This program was developed specifically for students […]