This social story helps teach what a gift is, what it means, and the steps that are expected when getting a gift. It also teaches about the emotions involved with gift getting. You can download a pdf version here.
Tag: ASD
Counseling People on the Autism Spectrum: A Practical Manual
Counseling People on the Autism Spectrum: A Practical Manual by Katherine Paxton and Irene A. Estay (XOT Paoxto 2007) The characteristics of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) present unique challenges, not only to people themselves affected, but also to counselling professionals. This manual provides counselling techniques that work not only for professionals, but also for individuals […]
Rosie King: How autism freed me to be myself
This girl is just amazing. What an advocate. You can listen to a little of her story here.
Second Shelter
Second Shelter by Rebecca Haid, M.Ed. and Elizabeth W. Donnelly, Ms (XFM Haid 2013) Second Shelter gives a comprehensive overview of therapeutic boarding schools and residential treatment facilities in a format that is readable and accessible for counselors, educators, and parents alike. The book examines which adolescents are best served in these environments as well […]
TIPS: Teaching Important Parenting Strategies
TIPS: Teaching Important Parenting Strategies by Megan Ahlers, MS and Colleen Hannigan Zillich, MS CCC-SLP (XFM Ahler 2014) This book can be used as a reference for finding practical, user-friendly solutions to common universal challenges encountered by parents and caregivers, including communication, behavior, technology, community outings, and sensory needs. All answers follow best practice and […]
Learning the Hidden Curriculum
Learning the Hidden Curriculum by Judy Endow MSW (XAD Endow 2012) The framework presented in this book enables readers to learn to create their own social rules and, as a result, live freer, more successful lives. The fact that the book is written by an autistic person who has learned by trial and error makes […]
Cure Your Child With Food
Cure Your Child With Food by Kelly Dorfman, MS, LND (XOT Dorfm 2011) Ms. Dorfman, a nutritionist whose typical family arrives at her practice after seeing three or more specialists, gives parents the tools they need to become nutrition detectives; to recalibrate their children’s diets through the easy E.A.T. program; and, finally, to get their […]
Teach Me With Pictures
Teach Me With Pictures by Simone Griffin, Ruth Harris, and Linda Hodgdon (XED Griff 2013) This book provides fun and practical ideas to help motivate and extend communication and play skills in children with autism with the support of pictures. The book describes how picture scripts can help facilitate play and learning and provides 40 […]
Navigating College A Handbook on Self Advocacy
Navigating College A Handbook on Self Advocacy by Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) (XAT Asan 2013) Navigating College is an introduction to the college experience from those of us who’ve been there. The writers and contributors are Autistic adults, and we’re giving you the advice that we wish someone could have given us when we […]
A Politically Incorrect Look at Evidence-based Practices and Teaching Social Skills: A Literature review and discussion
A Politically Incorrect Look at Evidence-based Practices and Teaching Social Skills: A Literature review and discussion by Michelle Garcia Winner. (XSS Winne 2008) The author argues effectively for an important and more thoughtful alternative to behaviorally-based social skill `training’ approaches, which are so limited in honoring the complexity of individuals with ASD. Pp. 128. If […]