Trainman Gaining Acceptance…and Friends…Through Special Interest by Stefan and Barbara Kavan (XBK Kavan 2011) In this warmly illustrated children’s book, we meet Stefan, who has a deep interest in trains, roads, and maps. If available, item can be checked out from resource room at no cost.
Category: Social Skills
Social skills is one of the core features of ASD. It can be difficult to understand how differently individuals with ASD perceive the social world, but these books can help. The also address teaching social skills to individuals with autism.
Out and About Preparing Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to Participate in Their Communities
Out and About Preparing Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to Participate in Their Communities by Jill Hudson & Amy Bixler Coffin (XSS Hudso 2007) This book focuses on everyday events and how to enable and support individuals on the autism spectrum to be active participants in the world around them. Created as a Blueprint to […]
The Child with Autism at Home & in the Community
The Child with Autism at Home & in the Community by Kathy LaBosh and LanNita Miller (XFM 2011 Labos) Hundreds of easy-to-read bullet points provide tips that readers can put into action immediately. First they cleverly tackle home life, from breakfast to bedtime, and then they take readers on a trip through the community, offering […]
Attainment’s Social Standards at School
Attainment’s Social Standards at School by Judi & Tom Kinney (XSS Kinne 2005) This book focuses on 53 social skills, that take place during a typical school day. Each skill provides teacher guidelines and a student self-monitoring page. Reproducible book spiralbound, with printable PDFs. If available, item can be checked out from resource room at […]
Socially Savvy: An Assessment and Curriculum Guide for Young Children
Socially Savvy: An Assessment and Curriculum Guide for Young Children by James T Ellis, PhD, BCBA-D and Christine Elmeida, MSED, EdS, BCBA XSS Ellis 2014 Socially Savvy helps educators and parents break down broad areas of social functioning into concrete skills. If available, item can be checked out of the resource room at no cost. […]
Superflex takes on One-Sided Sid, Un-Wonderer and the Team of Unthinkables
Superflex takes on One-Sided Sid, Un-Wonderer and the Team of Unthinkables by Michelle Garcia Winner and Stephanie Madrigal (XSS Winne 2013) In this newest comic, children become familiar with several ways to squash the powers of two, related Unthinkable characters: One-Sided Sid, who gets people to talk only about themselves, and his sidekick sister Un-Wonderer, […]
Learning the Hidden Curriculum
Learning the Hidden Curriculum by Judy Endow MSW (XAD Endow 2012) The framework presented in this book enables readers to learn to create their own social rules and, as a result, live freer, more successful lives. The fact that the book is written by an autistic person who has learned by trial and error makes […]
Teach Me With Pictures
Teach Me With Pictures by Simone Griffin, Ruth Harris, and Linda Hodgdon (XED Griff 2013) This book provides fun and practical ideas to help motivate and extend communication and play skills in children with autism with the support of pictures. The book describes how picture scripts can help facilitate play and learning and provides 40 […]
Superflex Superdecks- Card Games to Promote Superflexible Social Thinking
Superflex Superdecks- Card Games to Promote Superflexible Social Thinking by Social Thinking. (Learning Aid) Superflex Superdecks are card games created to invoke your own superflexible thinking as you teach students to be more superflexible social thinkers. It’s all about superflexibility! The game pack is a companion teaching tool to the popular Superflex Curriculum, which helps parents […]
Teaching Students with Classic Autism Functional Social Skills: A Program Based on Individualized Comprehensive Assessment & Evidence Based Practices
Teaching Students with Classic Autism Functional Social Skills: A Program Based on Individualized Comprehensive Assessment & Evidence Based Practices by Susan J. Sheridan. (XED Sheri 2013) This highly practical book guides teachers and other practitioners in developing and implementing comprehensive social skills programs for individuals with classic autism. This program was developed specifically for students […]