The Behavior Code: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students

The Behavior Code: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students by Jessica Minahan & Nancy Rappaport, MD. (XBM Minah 2012) Based on a collaboration dating back nearly a decade, the authors a behavioral analyst and a child psychiatrist reveal their systematic approach for deciphering causes and patterns of difficult behaviors and […]

Behavior Mapping

Behavior Mapping by Amy Buie. (XBM Buie 2013) Grounded in evidence-based practice, Amy Buie’s Behavior Mapping is a groundbreaking way of motivating children to make good choices and learn new skills. Better yet, due to its visual nature, this simple-to-implement strategy is effective for a range of students, regardless of age and ability level. Supported by […]

Acceptable vs. Unacceptable Behaviors in Different Settings

This visual support is a great tool for any individual who struggles with knowing how to behave in different places. The settings we include are: “At home…” “At the library…” “In class…” “At gym…” Also included, are different behaviors which are, or are not appropriate, in these different settings. The top portion is the “I can…” and […]

Tantrums Don’t Help Me Fix a Problem (Social Story)

Tantrums Don’t Help Me Fix a Problem is a social story created by TAP. This particular social story is written to help children understand why tantrums will not fix their problem. It also helps the child with positive ways to deal with their emotions, such as using their words, instead of throwing objects. Social stories […]

“Wait” Picture Support Board

Most children have difficulty waiting for something they want or that is motivating them. This difficulty is particularly difficult for children with autism and other developmental disorders. Pictures can be used to help children who are non-verbal or on the autism spectrum to communicate their wants and needs. The “Wait” picture support board uses 5 […]

Poster Sized Emotions Thermometer

This visual support is a large version of the emotions thermometer we carry in stock in the resource room, which is based off of “The incredible 5-Point Scale”.  The emotions thermometer helps individuals break down emotions into concrete parts to help them identify and better understand their feelings.  This is done by breaking down emotions […]

My Special Brother Turtle

My Special Brother Turtle by Karina MacLean. (XBC Macle 2007) This is a book that focuses on the challenges of living with a family member with pediatric bipolar disorder and ADHD written from the point of view of the older sister (age 10) of the 7-year-old brother. If available, item can be checked out from […]

The Incredible 5-Point Scale: The Significantly Improved and Expanded Second Edition

The Incredible 5-Point Scale: The Significantly Improved and Expanded Second Edition by Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis. (XBM Buron 2012 Improved) Assisting students in understanding social interactions and controlling their emotional responses. Pp. 97. If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

Autism and PDD: Adolescent Social Skills Lessons Behavior Modification

Autism and PDD: Adolescent Social Skills Lessons by Pam Britton Reese and Nena C. Challenner.   (XSS Britt 2001) Each booklet in this series of 5 contains various one page lessons with each sentence supported by pictures.  Some of the lessons are instructional and are intended to teach children what they need to do and […]

SOS Help for Parents

SOS Help for Parents by Lynn Clark and John Robb. (XFM Clark 2005) Parents learn methods for helping children improve their behavior.  Chapters focus on the basic skills of time-out and how parents can use these techniques to implement a child’s behavior modification plan. SOS teaches methods for helping your children improve their behavior.  Pp. […]