The Way to A: Empowering Children with Autistic Spectrum and Other Neurological Disorders to Monitor and Replace Aggression and Tantrum Behavior

 Tthe way to a empowering childrenhe Way to A: Empowering Children with Autistic Spectrum and Other Neurological Disorders to Monitor and Replace Aggression and Tantrum Behavior By Hunter Manasco.

(XBM Manas 2006)

Children with ASD are often confused by our world of rules and consequences, including how their behavior impacts another person or situation. The result is often aggressive behavior. The Way to A, designed for children ages 3 to 9 years old, presents a simple, logical, and systematic strategy that clarifies and sequentially teaches the child how to manage his behavior by engaging in forethought and self-analysis before acting out. Pp.35.

If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

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