Social Stories and Social Narratives

Social Stories and social narrative are used to help children with ASD understand a certain behavior, the social environment, their peers, etc.  A social story is a simple book, written in clear and concise terms that help a child with ASD better understand or prepare for a certain issue.  Often using Boardmaker, the story is […]

Beyond Autism PECS Pictures/Icons Pages

Need PECS pictures?  Well this site has tons of them.  You’ll need Boarmaker to access many of the pictures. This site is not for beginners, but if you know what you’re doing, you can save a lot of time and energy by downloading what they’ve already created.  Fair warning- it’s not the most user friendly […]

Special Education Technology of British Columbia

Special Education Technology is dedicated to  enhancing student opportunities for success by providing access to curriculum through the use of appropriate educational and communication technologies and on their website, they provide information and classroom resources on assistive technology.  We especially like their pre-made, downloadable visual supports.