Andrea Fanta, MS, OT, describes basic concepts for families and educators related to sensory processing and its 8 senses. Andrea Fanta is a doctoral student in the Department of Human Development & Family Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Que es el procesamiento y la integracion sesorial? Video educativo para padres y educadores sobre integracion […]
Category: Brief Tips & Tutorials
Short videos that provide introductions or tutorials on different topics, or tips and tricks for individuals, parents, and professionals.
Social Thinking and Zoom & Online Media!
This short video is for students ages 8+ that are having zoom or online class meetings. The Social Thinking® vocabulary is applied to help students understand and navigate the hidden curriculum of participating in a zoom or online meeting in a very concrete way. This video is presented by Joan Storey Gorsuch, BFA, M.Ed, Social […]