Is Asperger’s a real diagnosis?

Diagnosis is a medical term for a label that helps professionals communicate about the cluster of symptoms they see in a person they are treating.  The criteria for making a diagnosis follow the DSM 5 Manual.  As of the May 2013 publishing, Asperger’s is no longer a specific diagnosis.  The behaviors, challenges, and symptoms still […]

Where should my child be tested or get diagnosised?

Though diagnosis by a medical professional (MD or PhD) is necessary for certain documentation and programs, the wait for an assessment can be long.  Being assessed and treated through your local school district or counseling provider can be a first step while awaiting formal diagnosis. Medical professionals in East Central Illinois who offer diagnostic services […]

Asperger’s Diagnostic Assessment

Asperger’s Diagnostic Assessment a DVD by Tony Attwood. (XAS Attwo 2004) This DVD features Tony Attwood lecturing on the diagnostic characteristic of Asperger’s Syndrome and describing a process for explaining the diagnosis to a child or adult. It also features an interview with a young man with Asperger’s and his parents. Disc One: 3 hours, […]

Autism Speaks 100 Day Kit

Autism Speaks 100 Day Kit (XAB Autis 2010). This is a tool kit to assist families in getting the critical information they need in the first 100 Days after an autism diagnosis. If available, can be checked out from resource room at no cost. Or request a download here.

Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Best Practice Guidelines for Screening, Diagnosis and Assessment  by the California Department of Developmental Services. (XAB ASD 2002) Based on validated scientific evidence, clinical experience and clinical judgment, the Guidelines provides professionals, policymakers, parents and other stakeholders with detailed “best practice” recommendations and rationale for screening, evaluating and assessing individuals suspected of having autistic spectrum disorders. […]

Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z

Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z  by Barbara T Doyle and Emily Doyle Iland. (XAB Doyle 2004) This book is a simply written, comprehensive introduction to autism spectrum disorders, their diagnosis, and the impact diagnosis may have on families. Pp. 462. If available, this can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

Understanding Autism for DUMMIES

Understanding Autism for DUMMIES by Stephen Shore and Linda Rastelli. (XAB shore 2006) This is a guide that explains the symptoms of autism, how it’s diagnosed, and the current options for treatment. The reader will get helpful information on the latest in genetic and biomedical research as well as coverage of special-needs financial planning, legal rights for education, and more. […]

Does My Child Have Autism?

Does My Child Have Autism? by Wendy L. Stone and Theresa Foy DiGeronimo. (XAB Stone 2006) Read through this book and learn what experts, teachers, and clinicians in the field recognize as signs and symptoms of autism. The author describes the diagnostic process for young children with autism and offers vital information about what will be expected of you and […]