The Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation by Leak Kuypers (XBM Kuype 2011) Self-regulation is something everyone continually works on, whether we are cognizant of it or not.  We all encounter trying circumstances that test our limits from time to time.  If we are able to recognize when we are becoming less regulated, we are able to do something about […]

Behavior Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom

Behavior Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom by Beth Aune. ( XBM Aune 2010) This book helps educators recognize the telltale symptoms and possible causes of mysterious behaviors, and more importantly, provides solutions! (Pp. 151). If available, item can be checked out from the resource room at no cost.

My Visual For Outsmarting Explosive Behavior

My Visual For Outsmarting Explosive Behavior by Judy Endow. (XBM Endow 2009) This program is designed to help decrease and in some cases eliminate explosive behavior in children with autism spectrum disorders. Four train cars represent the four stages of explosive behavior: Starting Out, Picking up Steam, Point of No Return, and Explosion. By using […]

Individualized Supports for Students with Problem Behaviors

Individualized Supports for Students with Problem Behaviors  by Linda M. Bambara and Lee Kern. (XBM Bamba 2005) This book focuses on the nuts and bolts of designing positive behavior support plans for students with such disabilities as mental retardation, autism, learning disabilities, and emotional/behavioral disorders. Strategies are provided for addressing individual behavioral problems at all […]

Functional Assessment

Functional Assessment  by Lynette K. Chandler and Carol M. Dahlquist. (XBM Chand 2010) The comprehensive, practical treatment of functional assessment addresses preschool through high school levels, regular education and self-contained classroom settings, and special and regular student populations. Its strong use of vignettes and open-ended case studies promotes problem solving among readers as they identify […]

Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in Schools

Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in Schools  by Deanne A. Crone and Robert H. Horner. (XBM Crone 2003) This book focuses on developing and implementing team-based support plans for the one to five percent of students who require intensive, individualized behavior assessment and intervention. Field-tested procedures are described that enable the practitioner to evaluate student […]

No More Meltdowns: Positive Strategies for Managing and Preventing Out-Of-Control-Behavior

No More Meltdowns: Positive Strategies for Managing and Preventing Out-Of-Control- Behavior  By Jed Baker. (XBM Baker 2008) Meltdowns are stressful for both child and adult, but Dr. Baker can help!  Dr. Baker offers an easy-to-follow, 4-step model that will improve your everyday relationships with the children in your life: 1) Managing your own emotions by […]